So the other morning I was making my way home from an after-party when I overheard two mothers talking while walking their children to school. The one turned to the other and began to explain how difficult it was to have the children all cooped up inside during the winter. She and her husband were trying to decide where they could take the kids during their "spring break" that would offer them an outlet for full-on kid craziness and fun.
After hearing this, I proceeded to talk to the two ladies about their dilemma. I handed the one mother my glow sticks as I pulled out my iPhone and searched for the following url:
If you're looking for a one-of-a-kind place where your kids can explore and run wild (and you can partake of some adult beverages on-site), look no further than St. Louis' own City Museum. This place is like Disney World on an acid trip with a little bit of the movies Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Labrynth thrown in for good measure. The 600,000 square-foot system of surrealism is housed in the multi-story former International Shoe Company building. But not even the building can contain the imagination of this space as it explodes out to the roof and beyond. It features a 5,000 gallon aquarium, a network of tunnels, tree houses, caves, and 2 Saber 40 aircraft fuselages and buses suspended stories above the pavement below. It's beyond insane.
Not only is it perfect for playing, but it's tremendous for teaching. Included among the menagerie of mazes and metal are a number of historical areas: an architecture museum, a functioning shoelace factory, an opera poster museum, a natural history museum, and a number of other unexpected attractions.
And best of all, the museum features multiple bars. It's the perfect mix of distraction for kids and drinking for adults. As an uncle, I happen to enjoy the balance of the ball pit and the bar. Uncle Terry likey.
So the next time you start thinking of a place to take the kids, forego the typical water park or amusement park and check out the City Museum in St. Louis.
And that's my take on it.
Do you have unique places to recommend to Stunt Dad nation? If so, please share your recommendations.
- Not a parenting blog, not a daddy blog, not a mommy blog — it's a Stunt Dad blog.

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