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Our thoughts are with all the Stunt Dads who are dealing with flooding, power outages and most important...closed schools. We would also like to share that a power outage is a great time to teach kids what life was like before 500 cable channels, Wii, X Box, iPhones and iPads. When we were kids (us Stunt Dads) we played with cardboard boxes instead of X Boxes. And when we were bored of that we played board games. We played hide and seek in the dark. We played cops and robbers with our hands and feet instead of a joystick, tag was a game and not a way to categorize a Facebook pic. we made games up, changed the rules of dodgeball so it could be played with a potatoe and enjoyed whatever our imaginations could create. All we really needed was our undivided attention to the goal of having a good time. Remember? Remember when a paper towel roll became a sword and a toilet paper roll was a telescope? Do you even remember anymore how to turn a marker into a gun by holding it over your closed fist with your thumb? Think your kid knows that one?
If you are one of the unfortunate people without power, we hope that your home is quickly restored back to normal, but also that you Stunt Dad (yes its a verb too) the moment by making the most of it and playing with your kids the way you played with your best friend a few decades ago; with imagination. Hell it sounds so good I may just flip the breaker when I get home tonight and play along.
Be safe,
Stunt Dad
Lots of talk about the trials and tribulations for mothers trying to balance the demands of work and mommyhood. The Harvard Review sheds some light on the same challenge facing today's more engaged father... Er Stunt Dad as we call em.
If there is one thing kids need to know before entering the fifth grade, it's how to cook Spam. And finally, 9 year olds everywhere can look to Lawson Sanders of Fort Worth as their inspiration. The acclaimed Spam cooker starting entering contests at the age of 6, and just 3 years later he has seized the coveted blue ribbon. Read more here....
Or get your Spam on with these delicious recipes..
On October 20th you can become one of the worlds most bad ass dads by taking your kid the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C. There, you and your jubilant kid(s) will the craft of disguise, spy style. Not only will you learn how to change your appearance, but to think and act like a new identity. Once the transformation is complete you will put your disguise to the test by engaging in a undercover mission.
"Life is hard", "Pick yourself up after getting knocked down", "You can't always get what you want". Sound old and crotchety? Ya, that's because these statements are from the old dad order. And while its good to teach your kids how to deal and bounce back from failure. It's way more awesomer (shut it English snob) to talk and teach your kids about success and how to achieve it.
Don't believe me? Read the words of a successful child behavioralister.
You would love to go to bed and get some extra sleep, but your kids probably fuss and want to stay up with the grown ups. If only they knew that after they go to sleep all you do is clean, pay bills, fix whatever they broke, and scourer the internet for what you are doing wrong as a parent and how to fix it-they might not be so sad to go to sleep. Find splice in that someday your revenge will come when they become parents and you get a chance to slip your grandkids chocolate chips before bedtime.
Here are five causes of bedtime frustration and what you can do about it.
1. Eating too much before dinner. While a midnight snack might help get you down, kids systems are quick to turn Mac and cheese into monster fuel. Have dinner a few hours before bedtime and avoid snacks just before bedtime.
+ A recent study indicates earlier mandated bedtimes can lower your child's chances of depression.
2. They want control. It is a normal stage in their development, but unfortunately for you it can turn into a power struggle for any parent with less than Yoda like Jedi mind control powers. The best way to deal with an assertive little one is to integrate choices into the bedtime routine. Do you want the "Dukes of Hazzard" pajamas or the "All in the Family" PJs? Would you like to go to bed at 7:30 or 7:31? This will make them feel in control and get you closer your Jedi certificate.
+ Mike Adamick's five Force moments. My favorite is number 5.
3. They are scared. While you may have spent a small fortune on those black out shades so you could get a good nights sleep, it's helping your kids imagination run wild with what might be lurking in their closet. A night light can help calm their imaginations, as well as reassuring words that you will keep them safe. Remember that this is your opportunity to he build confidence and security in your little one and that it may take a little time to help them master their fears.
+ Monsters are not scaring the piss out of your kid at night. They are wetting the bed for other reasons.
4. Caffeine. You may think that chocolate milk after a nap was ok, but experts suggest no caffeine 6 to 8 hours before bedtime. So if your kid is still napping, that means no caffeine ever.
+ The Impact of Caffeine on Children
5. Bedtime might not be early enough. While your child may seem very awake and full of energy it may be the result of being overtired. When a child is up too long their body releases a stress hormone called cortisone. So if their bedtime is continually a battle, try moving it up 30 minutes and see if things go a little soother.
+ One third of Americans are sleep deprived.
It's a challenge to herd little ones all day, get them to eat their meals, brush their teeth, clean their rooms and go to bed. But I have found that if they know what to expect and have a way to visually see their day, then they put up much less of a fuss. That's what encouraged me to Google "Daily kid schedule templates" and eureka! Search and you shall find. For a wealth of free scheduling templates check out
Someone just shared this article with me from Want to know the best time to buy a boat? March. Towels for said boat? January. Used car to get you to your second job needed to pay for said boat? April.
Check out for more on the timing of saving money.
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The Human Pancake |
Here is one way to make sure your kids don't grow up thinking the elements are dirt and water, or worse, cars made by Honda. It's also a sly way to catch up on the science you forgot decades ago.
Click here to check out Hunting the Elements on Amazon
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The Swedes are selling it as some kind of adult retreat. But I say this is the way to ensure your treehouse is the best in town.
Check out this treehouse
Now on post kid Ikea project #4 I feel that I am starting to move beyond apprentice Ikea assembly person to novice. But I still lag behind my wife who has come up with this trick to avoid the end of project befuddlement when you either can't find a piece or have too many pieces left over.
Before cracking open a beer and putting the tool belt (which is just for effect considering an Allen wrench is usually all that is needed) grab a muffin thinger to sort and count all the pieces. It makes getting to the pieces you need faster and helps keep count to make sure you are on target to finish with no pieces needed or left over.
Thinking of getting outside with the family and leaving the Chevy behind? has gathered an amazing number of biking options from simple toddler seats, to contraptions that look more like a pedal powered Fiats than bicycles.
Check me out.
To kick off kite season if like to share this do it yourself from howstuffworks kids.
Know of some more kite making resources or have a plan of your own? Please share!
I've had sippy cup issues for almost 4 years now. It started innocently enough. I would forget to put in the rubber regulator once in while that would prevent the sippy cup from drowning our child and letting milk spill all over kid and couch. My problem progressed as we purchased more sippy cups. They had different tops and different threads, and like socks I struggled to find the matching pair and often would result to force fitting whatever top to whatever bottom was readily available. I would strip threads on sippy cups as if they were Ikea furniture. But this morning my wife has solved my issue in one simple step. She put the sippy cup together when putting it away! I can't believe it took this long to figure that one out. Now all I have to do us stumble into the kitchen, grab assembled sippy cup, twist open, pour juice, twist top on, open beer, give kid beer, drink sippy cup.
Thanks wife, you are a genius!
Unless the US education system has made huge advances in the last 3 years Korea, or even Poland is the place to get a good education for your kids.
While searching for good school systems I ran across this post by The Guardian lamenting the UKs slip in education. But as you can see, it's not just the UK that is falling behind in education. As of 2009 the US was 14th over all is PISA's study. Math is our biggest struggle...which means when it comes to investing in your kids, math is where it is at. With the Googles and NASAs needing number crunchers, and the education system producing less of them, it only makes sense that your kids easy button to high income jobs is to learn them some numbers. So dust off the abacus, pull the trigonometry book out from under the short leg of your workbench and start pretending like math is the new Rock and Roll.
Combining an area light with four portable lanterns in a single clever unit, the Coleman LED Quad lantern is a versatile choice for indoor or outdoor use. The Quad is equipped with four removable LED panels that hold 24 LED lights total. Users can remove any of the four panels and use them independently, such as when needing a portable light for the bathroom or tent, or they can keep all four attached to the lantern and produce 190 total lumens of light. As a result, the Quad is the perfect light for group camping trips and any other occasion where folks might splinter off into smaller groups during the night. Each of the panels is a fully functioning light, with six 5mm white LEDs, a rechargeable NiMH battery, an independent on/off switch, and a top handle for carrying or hanging. The NiMH battery--which recharges when stored in the lantern base--provides up to 1.5 hours of light on its own. The lantern base, meanwhile, requires eight D-cell batteries (not included), which provide an approximate run time of 75 hours for the entire lantern. Other features include a main on/off switch located on top of the lantern, a light range of 26 feet, and a limited five-year warranty.
- Area lantern with 4 removable LED panels that function as independent lights
- Each LED panel includes 6 white LEDs, top handle, and rechargeable NiMH battery
- LED panels recharge in lantern base; provides 190 lumens of light with all panels
- Lantern base requires 8 D-cell batteries (not included); runtime of 75 hours
- 26-foot light range; each LED panel runs for 1.5 hours per charge; 5-year warranty