Summer camp is about 2 things, giving the parents a break from their kids and giving kids a break from their patents boring ideas of fun (eg, how about we play a family game of checkers tonight?) Ok, it's also about exposing your children to new stuff (your kid builds the first neon checker game that features exploding pieces when one jumps an opponent), memories to last a lifetime (your kid organizing a gambling-inspired checkers tournament that ends up netting said kid $500) and chances to make new friends (your kid playing strip checkers with the cute member of the opposite sex resulting in your kid's first kiss [or more]).
But let's face it, the local YMCA summer camp just doesn't cut it anymore. In the age of spin and innovation (spinovation) we need a new kind of summer camp. Fortunately, entrepreneurs are meeting the call and willing to take your money to give your kid an experience you wish you could have had when you were a kid. And with 6 weeks of summer left, its not going to be easy to pawn your kid off to someone for 5 days. Fear not, the fathers of StuntDad have done some research on what's left to do this summer and below are the Top 5 Kick Ass Summer Camps that still have openings before it's time your little one heads back to school.
ALL-PURPOSE CAMP: Pali Adventures in California runs a series of camps for kids ages 9 to 16 based on subjects that range from artsy fartsy like Rock Camp to James Bond stunt double. Its Extreme Action Adventure camp includes rock climbing, go-karts, dirt-bikes, sand buggies, obstacle courses and skateboarding.
LEGO ROBOTICS CAMP: Thanks to numerous Hollywood films that clearly identify what's in store for our civilization in the next 50 years, we all know that our species is destined to become extinct by robots. So, instead of fighting our destiny, here is your (and your children's) opportunity to fulfill it. The team over at
Learning Fun 101 has found a way to combine the 3 basic principles of world domination: engineering, programming and LEGOs. For ~$400, you can send your kid (K-7th) down to Austin, Texas for 5 days in the middle of August where they will learn how to build and design robots using LEGOs. Should your child not come back having designed a futuristic fighting machine, hopefully he or she built an automatic waffle maker. No prior LEGO experience is required.
SPY CAMP: If you want your child to become the next Jason Bourne, then pack up your hidden camera pen, spy camera sunglasses and exploding cufflinks, and send your kid to
Diefenbunker's Spy Camp in Ontario, Canada. Since we all know that our neighbors to the North is nothing more than a breeding ground for the next great international assassin, children will go undercover for a week at the Diefenbunker and return home having mastered the skills of a real secret agent. Open to children ages 7-12, kids will get to spend 7 days during the last week of August learning how to come up with the perfect alias, creating disguises and break codes for just $225. Remember dads, there is no greater gift than teaching a son or daughter the art of espionage.
BUSINESS CAMP: To the parents who dream of their kids leading blockbuster merger and acquisition deals, identifying the next great hedge fund or conducting an IPO, than look no
further than Camp BizGym. From August 14-19, kids will get to learn the true meaning of work hard, play hard as they hone their skills in the boardroom during the day and learn new skills with a surfboard at night as this session's camp takes place in Hawaii. At BizCamp, your son or daughter will learn how to be as tough as Donald Trump and as smooth as Kelly Slater while taking part in island traditions. Do you buy low or sell high on this year's pineapple harvest? Is it economically beneficial to keep the local rain forest or replace it with a shopping mall? How do you market a pig roast to the vegetarian tourist group? These challenges and more await you at BizGym 2012.
DUDE RANCH CAMP: This summer, have your child learn what it takes to become a Dude (or Dudette)
at the Circle F Dude Ranch Camp in Lake Wales, FL. Space is limited for their final session of the summer, running August 5th—14th for just $1,695. From dodging paintball bullets to horseback riding manure, the activities at Circle F will turn even the dorkiest of dorks into one badass little kid. Your kid's afraid of the water? Not after the Terrifying Tube Toss ride. Your kid always picked last in sports? Not after scaling the Wrath-Inducing Rock Wall. Your kid addicted to TV & Video games? Not after being exposed to Wild, Wild, West Wilderness Program. This camp is great for kids of all ages, but is perfect for the kids whose parents are convinced their little ones were destined for bully-fodder.
What other camps do you think are interesting for kids?
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